Meet Georg: our new industrial designer

March 7, 2023

“Spark has a great recipe for collaboration”

As an industrial designer, Georg Hagenauer likes to work consumer driven. With his background in consumer electronics, his ambition at Spark is to further delve into target groups and needs of users:

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“You can be very wrong about what people think. I like to map out exactly who the target group is and how they think. So really looking at their needs before we go to the drawing board. You can translate this well into function, but certainly also appearance. I bring my expertise in this way of working to the Spark team.

To arrive at a well-functioning design, you often work with trial and error. And I also see that for aesthetics. You have to try things out, compare and discuss. By investing time and effort in this, you can decide whether something works. And this way you achieve a better result for the customer and the end user; functional and aesthetic.

The Spark team has a great recipe for collaboration. A flat hierarchy, broad experience and great people with many different specializations. It's focused; straight forward, I like that. The projects, assignments and expectations are very clear. I am very much looking forward to working together and doing the application and implementation as a team.

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